HELP......we are having too much fun!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

After work!!

Thursday and Friday nights, it's happening.people go out after work, hence after work! I went out with my 3 buddies! We went to liseberg. Swedes know how to enjoy life after they have worked hard during the week. As they say " hard work pays off".

Happy birthday Ethan

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Ethany
Happy birthday to you
Hip hip hooray
Hip hip hooray
Hip hip hooray

We hope you have a lovely day

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My lone adventure!! Yippee

Well, it had to be done some time and I did it! I went to see my siblings for a weekend without the kids. It was strange but good. I had two less kids to look after.
Amar had a job for her flowers and I helped out. That was tough as I did not sleep that night. The flowers were great. She is good.
During the day, I looked after my khrishy. He is so adorable, xxxxx.
Then it was my big night. We went to see Jessie J. It was a fairly good night, of what I remembered!! What was also nice that I went with my two brothers and my sister. The 4 of us have not really been out together for a long time. I also had my 2 lovely sister-in-laws to keep us company. It's a night I will not forget!
2 days I spent with khrishy and time to get home! We went to see ice age 4 with saffron, spent some time with Ethan, Rhiya and Jase too. For once u left sunny London to raining Gothenburg! Time flies when your having fun!!! My family are great, live you all and miss you all.

Varm vader i goteburg

What does that mean? Well it means warm weather in Gothenburg. Yes I am practising my Swedish. I wish I learnt my English at school properly. The verbs, adverbs, synonym and other strange rules!
So yes the it has been warm here. We have been to Marstrand beach. It was rocky and we saw a sailing boat competition. Guess who won- Great Britain. I have started work and in the last 2 weeks the kids have enjoyed visiting other beaches too. Naset and hovas. The kids have also enjoyed going in the hamster ball at the culture festival. They managed to do rock climbing and sailing. It's not fair. Ananya and Jai are having too much fun :(

Long weekend in Denmark

What an awesome weekend we chose to go to Copenhagen. It was hot. Only 3 hours drive! Gosh I would not drive that long in the UK!! We stayed at Kong hotel. It was nice. Opposite the hotel was a lake. We went boat paddling. Guess who paddled? Me of course. I suppose I can not complain as a bottle of cold beer gave me the motivation. I had Ananya and jai help me whilst parmy relaxed. The times of Modern era!!
We ate sushi that night. Nice xxx
The following day we went to Tivoli Gardens. Now we thought we would only spend a couple of hours here but we were wrong. Tivoli is not huge but the rides were so good and we could go on just about everything, so we did. Ananya loved the roller coasters. Jai is still a little scared! We had lunch at Hard Rock Cafe and stayed at the park until 7.00pm. We were so tired that we just went back and chilled. They had a spa so me and the kids enjoyed the spa. The following day we went shopping and saw an next, River Island and of course the Lego shop.
Overall we had a great city break! :)