HELP......we are having too much fun!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Midsummer in Gothenburg

Here, we celebrate midsommers eve and midsommers day. What is this, you may ask. This is a festival that the brits are probably losing for whatever reason, but here in Sweden, it is celebrated with everyone, the young and the old. This is like Christmas. A big event.
The swedes celebrate the longest summer day by preparing the maypole with flowers. People come along with the families and friends and with a picnic.
The girls were flowery headbands. Some boys wear this too. You can tell everyone is there to have fun!
Once the maypole is ready the small boys get together and pull the maypole up. It makes them feel so strong. I know jai did!
Then the music started. This was great. Everyone got together and sang songs and danced. I still have no idea what they were singing, but I had so much fun singing and dancing. I was so glad I was there for this event. However, I was sad to leave early as I would have loved to see more. So next is year I will definitely stay for this.
coming to the UK and waiting for Amar, he kids and I had a great time singing the songs and dancing- yes at Gatwick! We played tag. We were excited to see everyone again.

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