HELP......we are having too much fun!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

14 days to go...

:-) Tickets booked today. 4 one way tickets to Sweden! Yippee!!! It was strange feeling not selecting a return date! Not something I've ever done before! But looking forward to our new adventure in Sweden. From the reports we are getting back from colleagues already over there, we are going to have a blast.



  1. Sandy: I managed to clear out the old clothes that were in the spare room for the last 4 years!!!! Paperwork nearly done too. Counting days now!!

  2. Kids final 2 days at school... They are excited and upset.... I know I will miss the following people:
    Angel, Tina, Joe, Amar, Khrish, mum & dad,.... Not to forget all my friends & family in London, Leicester and Bagworth!!!

  3. My goodbyes are not final guys, you have to inform me of the local gossip!!!! And I WILL BE BACK, just to see you!!!


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